Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday, the Bank

I took Mom's car over to Kendall to have the oil changed. They had Wi-Fi, so I took my iPad and caught up on some email. Kendall said she will be needing to get new brakes.

When I got home, and Mom and I had breakfast, we went to the Coin shop on Willamette and sold some gold coins that Dad had bought. Gold is up, more or less, at the moment. Then we took that check and deposited it in her checking account. While we were at the bank, we tried to exchange the Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian currency that they got when they went over in the 80's and then forgot about. Good news is that they could do it at the branch; bad news is most of the currency, since it was from the 80's is no longer the current form. The teller said it was still valid, and the banks there (in Sweden, etc.) would still take it and exchange it for current money, but since it was no longer current, the bank here couldn't/wouldn't take it. Someone will need to take it back over there and take it to the bank.

After that, we went thru the refrigerator freezer section and pulled out stuff that was just too old -- a steak from 2009 (looked really grey!), blueberries from 2005, stuff from 2001, some stuff that we just couldn't identify (mushrooms?). We pulled out some stuff (like cheese) and moved it to the refrigerator with the aim of using it. Most of what is left is either new (frozen dinners) or nuts (walnuts, filberts, almonds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, ...). There is also some popcorn (yum!) and rice (in the freezer?).

Still have to do the same for the freezer in the garage.

I've notice that water is dripping from the top refrigerator door now. I assume that is a temporary result of having the door open too long, but need to keep an eye on it to see if it persists.

Then John came by, Linda called, and Mom started going thru genealogy records. She kept doing that, so I went and did grocery shopping to let her continue.

I got another box of Jim Beam bottles ready to mail. Two bottles that someone in Arizona wants. Waiting for his check in the mail before mailing it.

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