The computer was 19 cents (2.33 kilo-watt-hours) for 2 days. This is for the way I use it -- turn it on in the morning and then off before I go to bed, using is off and on during the day, for e-mail, to look things up on the web, word, spread sheet, ...
We returned the Kill-a-Watt to the EWEB offices today; it's a two-week max check-out. My conclusion was that Mom uses relatively little energy, except for heat. That also shows up in the energy usage chart from EWEB for her place. Notice that it goes to about 500 kilo-watt-hours per month in the Summer; that's her base usage.
I re-packed the plates in the garage. While we were out, I picked up a couple of left-over cardboard boxes at Walmart that looked like they would do well, and re-ordered the plates so that they would be consecutive by item number. Then I put them back in the boxes, so that there was no empty space from the ones we sold. These are all then on just the top shelves in the storage room.
After that I pulled out the Jim Beam bottles that would seem to have the least value -- 5 boxes of them, 48 bottles -- and posted them to Craig's List as "Free".
We got a reasonable response -- 4 responses in an hour and a half. So let's see if someone will actually pick them up. And why they would want them?
Did you make it clear they're empty?? Maybe they want them for target practice like we suggested using them :)